
If you have any queries regarding out prices then please contact us.

Podiatry Pricing 2025

New Patient Podiatry Appointment
(including treatment)
Existing Patients If 2 Years or More Has Elapsed Since Last Treatment *
(including treatment)


Full Musculoskeletal Biomechanic Assessment*
(with Mr Glen Foley) includes assessment, diagnosis and strength and conditioning program.

£100 Child (16 yrs and under)


Biomechanic Follow-Up Appointment
(with Mr Glen Foley)


General Routine Podiatry Treatment
‍‍(after initial assessment) (nail cutting, corns and callus)


Nail Surgery
Includes 3 further appointments following nail surgery for redressing along with a dressing pack for home use.

From £470

Joint Mobilisation


*Full payment for all New Patient appointments is taken at the time of booking. You will be contacted by the clinic to make a telephone payment if you have booked online. If you need to change or cancel your appointment we require a minimum of 48hrs notice in which case this fee is refundable.
Cancellation and Missed Appointments
We require a minimum of 48 hours notice for a change or cancellation of an appointment so we can offer the appointment to another patient. Less than 48 hours notice and missed appointments, we reserve the right to charge the appointment fee. Any missed appointment we will ask for prepayment for all future appointments.
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Get in Touch Today

Speak to one of our professional and friendly staff to see what we can do for you.